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What is a decentralized web?

The decentralized web is a research program which proposes to reorganize the Internet using peer-to-peer infrastructure rather than centralized data hosting services. Interest in the decentralized web arose due to the lack of trust in network maintenance organizations, due to scandals involving widespread espionage and content control.

Is there a worldwide shift to the decentralized Internet?

But a few challenges still stand in the way of a worldwide shift to the decentralized flavor of internet. First, there's the “worldwide” part of the shift. Decentralized internet is the sort of idea that works great once everyone is on board with using it.

What is a decentralized identifier?

Decentralized identifiers are an important part of decentralized web applications. Decentralized identifiers are sometimes encapsulated in "decentralized identifier documents" (referred to as "DIDs"). Decentralized web applications frequently rely on URLs to decentralized identifier documents.

Is the Internet centralized?

The internet is not 100 percent legally and physically “centralized,” since no single corporation owns the entire internet. But relatively few large, physical servers (associated or operated by relatively few large corporations) are responsible for hosting essential elements of what we consider the internet.

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